As a brand creative at Salesforce, my team spearheaded a first-ever 360º global brand awareness campaign solving “What is Salesforce?” As a secondary priority, I was creative lead of Customer Marketing, responsible for creating customer stories. As a tertiary initiative for three years, I served as creative lead for Dreamforce's individual tier-1 product experiences.
Salesforce had become a $130 billion behemoth, but two decades later, ‘what we do,’ we have further work to do there,” CMO Stephanie Buscemi said in an interview. With the company becoming more complex, it’s looking to simplify the message. Through radio, print, TV, digital, and metro ads. It should be “easy for everyone to understand in a matter of seconds regardless of the audience,” said Buscemi.
Agency: George P Johnson
Digital Agency: Spinifex Group
As a brand design lead, I was selected to be a part of the team to rebrand Dreamforce. Also, when we acquired Mulesoft I was put in charge of the Dreamforce experience. We created a video game to pay off what Mulesoft does inside Salesforce. The goal for the zone was 13,000 lead scans. The attraction of “Integration Peak” helped draw in 14,621 (including over 9,000 workshop scans), with 350 consultations scheduled.
Role: Lead creative for customer content capture
Airlines Miles Rewards: A lot.
In many ways, customer success stories are a marketer’s dream form of content. We merged the qualitative power of storytelling with the evidence-based pillar of hard data. These customer stories allowed us to present real-world use cases and results that shift your product from abstraction to physicality in the minds of the readers. As the Customer Marketing Creative Lead at Salesforce, I was in fortunate to be in charge of the creative that showcased our customers. I created Films, Digital, Social, and photography, and built the teams that executed the vision.